Phosphor Studio offers full-service video production in Kansas City that caters to production and post production. We love staying up to date in the latest advancements in our field ensuring that every aspect of your production is executed to industry standards.
We’re a one-stop destination for agencies and clients seeking full production services. With our turn-key workflow, we streamline the process by taking your script out of pre production into recording and capture. Cameras, lights and sound are covered allowing you to focus on what you do best. Combining advanced technology and dedication to our craft, we make a product that reinforces our clients’ brands.

Virtual Sets allow our team to manipulate digital backgrounds in real-time. Gone are the days of costly set construction and location scouting. Our multicamera virtual sets offer a quicker and easier setup than traditional sets, enabling you to focus on bringing your vision to life. Whether you prefer to create your own virtual set or choose from our professionally custom-made sets, we provide a wide range of options to suit your unique brand and storytelling needs.
An in-studio interview is meant to be viewed as a conversation, and we know how to take that conversation to the next level. With our broadcast cameras, professional lighting, and audio setup, we can provide a turnkey solution for your next interview. We have experience with both live and recorded interviews, and we know how to make each type shine. We can conduct live interviews in the field via satellite trucks or host them live in our studio. If you’re looking for a more flexible option, we can record your interview so it can be edited for time and content.


Vice Media needed a Kansas City based studio and video production crew to interview a local subject for their “Informer Series.” The production had specific requirements to use a producer to interview the subject from a remote location and match existing episodes in look and feel using real-time communication and collaboration.
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